Submission Info
All submissions must be received by 11:59pm on August 1, 2024
Who is eligible?
All high school students between the graduating years of 2024 - 2028
Must be a resident of Clarke, Frederick, Page, Shenandoah or Page county.
Video requirements:
All films must be family friendly (no nudity, heavy profanity, etc…)
10 minute maximum run time
Must be an original work
Film must be submitted in 24 fps or 30 fps (please, no 60 fps)
720p minimum resolution
Saved in MP4 or .MOV
All non original music must be properly licensed (with appropriate documentation)
Can be recorded on a camera or phone as long as it meets the above requirements
** Although we’d like to accept every submission, submitting a piece does not guarantee acceptance to the festival. The amount of submissions, their length, judged previews, and the overall runtime of the festival will all factor into each entry’s acceptance.**
Have any questions or need assistance? Feel free to contact us:
Click the button below to fill out the submission form: